27 September 2005

Things I See

pretty random, but fun

Ladders creak in the distance as trees bow to the earth
Purple echoes run through a choking mist
Seven stars leave no trace at the scene; tracks covered with moon dust disappear

Zues is all alone in a room too large for most mortals
Hermes runs by with an urgent message; never delivered
“Nail it to the nearest Church door,” Luther says as he is crucified

A second hand from a clock that never worked lives near me
In a refrigerator box on the wrong side of the tracks where no train has ever run
Rushing to smoke the last bit of a cheap cigar before anyone else notices that it’s not lit

One white calla lily grows in a garden of hope and wonders why the sky isn’t blue
Children on red tricycles pedal across an ocean of pine needles
A single bicycle bell is heard a thousand miles away as a soldier sleeps in a truck moving slowly

Spiders leave their webs to play poker with an Old Maid deck missing three cards
A forward thinking irishman googles the word “triumphant,” sifts through 1,745 results, shaking his head in disbelief
“See that thick black wire?” hums a naked bird too lazy to find a living tree “it has the answers”

Lovers sit in a theater, two rows from the back, as a magician pulls a model of human DNA from the flowered hat of an older woman in the front row
Three dead rabbits are found in a dark apartment in south Philly two minutes after midnight on the 23rd
A dove ponders existentialism three seconds before being sucked into the left engine of a fifty year old pilot’s private plane

All the while, a computer monitor fills up with black and white symbols that no one can understand
A hole waits to be dug by a brilliant scientist trying to find the right combination
And an old lady sits on a porch swing crocheting a pair of pink or blue baby booties because that’s all she knows how to make

Three hundred thousand ants have never met their queen, but never stop working
An unsuccessful jewel thief runs away with the wrong pie cooling in the window
And an old marionette asks his God "What does it all mean?"

August 20, 2005

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